Coming Alive...
Sorry, I haven't updated the site in a long time. I want everyone know that the boys are doing an excellent job. We are becoming competitive, and I think everyone is learning a lot this season. More importantly, I think we are all having at least a little bit of fun! Our last game was fantastic... I'm having a hard time deciding on the game ball because all the boys played so well.

Thanks to Ray, Dan, and Kevin for all the coaching support during practice and games. Also, thanks go out to our parents who are volunteering as scorekeepers. Kelly did a great job last week making sure things were straight!


If you made out a check to Carrie (not Headstrong) for snacks or shirts that has not cleared, it's probably because it was destroyed in a dramatic washing machine accident. Some parents have issued replacement checks, some have yet to do so. If you have not given Carrie $20 (per player) for the snack/party fund please try to do that soon.

We have concession duty on Tuesday, May 29. I think the sign up sheet still has open slots for needed volunteers. Please, help out if you are available that evening.

Our next game is Saturday, May 5, on field 7 against the Nationals. They are undefeated, but I think we have a good chance if we all show up ready to play like we did last Thursday. Please be at the field at 9:30 AM for a light practice before the game.

Posted by Richard Martinez, Tue May 1, 2007 @ 10:20 AM 0 Comments
Batting Helmets, Uniforms, etc.
Batter Up!
Make sure you are bringing your batting helmet (with attached face guard) to practice from now on. I will try to work a batting rotation into every practice going forward. Also, I will be at the field this Saturday from 10:00 - NOON for an open batting practice if anyone wants to come by for a little extra time at the plate.

As a group we did not have a unanimous decision to pay for cap embroidery, so per the league president's direction, we are NOT having the caps done. I will have them at practice tonight to hand out. If you have not paid your jersey or parent shirt printing fees, please get that to me this week. The order is being turned in tomorrow.

Lost and Found
I have a few items in my duffel bag that have been left behind at practice... check with me if you are missing anything.

Posted by Richard Martinez, Tue Mar 13, 2007 @ 9:42 AM 0 Comments
Week 1 of practice is in the bag, and we're looking good. Thanks for the hard work!


I will be picking up our uniforms this weekend. We need to get our print order turned in early next week, so make sure you get with Carrie at practice Monday about jerseys, caps, and parent shirts. I spoke with the league president last night, and we have to do all or nothing on the caps and jerseys. Either all the kids have their caps printed or none. Same goes for the jerseys. I would like to recommend we get the first name on the jersey and only their number on the cap.


We need volunteers for scorekeeping duty and concession stand duty in a few weeks. We need 4 parents to work the concession stand on May 29 5:30 PM - closing. We have to provide an official score keeper at all of our 8 home games. I'd like to have 2 or 3 volunteers who can rotate as scorekeepers.

Also, any parents who are coaching on the field need to complete the PDYB application. I will have them at practice.

Schedule Change

Our game that was schedule for Saturday May, 26 is going to be moved to the following Saturday, June 2. I will be updating the schedule on the site this weekend to reflect that change, and I will add our in-season practices as well.

Have a great weekend... I'll see you all Monday at 5:30


Updated by Richard Martinez, Fri Mar 9, 2007 @ 2:48 AM 0 Comments
Thanks again for all the helping hands at practice. Yesterday didn't run as smoothly as I had hoped, but we'll get into a groove once we start hitting the field Thursday.

Please get your forms signed and turned in if you have not already done so. If you did not receive a book of raffle tickets from me, please make sure you get them from me at practice.

My wife is putting together the team order for uniform printing and parent t-shirts. Please see her at practice for more information.

See you all Thursday at 4:45


Posted by Richard Martinez, Wed Mar 7, 2007 @ 10:13 AM 0 Comments

I think our first practice was a great success yesterday. Thanks to everyone for showing up, and I really appreciate all the parent help. The boys seemed to have a lot of fun. I was really impressed with the good display of fundamental skills on the first day.

We will do more station drills tonight, and Thursday we will start getting into positions on the field.

See you tonight,

Updated by Richard Martinez, Tue Mar 6, 2007 @ 1:41 PM 0 Comments
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